Cost Action FP1201
Vienna, Austria, 7th - 9th September 2016

On September 7th- 9th Valentino M. Govigli (EFIMED) attended the final conference of EU COST Action FP1201, known as FACESMAP (“Forest lAnd ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy”), in Vienna, Austria. Link:

On the second day of this scientific conference, Valentino participated in the parallel session: ‘Evolving commons – renewal of a traditional ownership type?’ and presented the challenges and policy recommendations associated with joint forest management.  Valentino summarized the findings of a research study, conducted through the VALERIE project, which involves collaboration between the European Forest Institute (EFIMED) and the Union of Silviculturalists of Southern Europe (USSE)/ Asociación Forestal de Navarra (FORESNA). In the study, a social innovation programme has been implemented in a Pyrenean valley of Navarra (Spain), in which forest technicians are working with private forest owners to re-invigorate mountain forestry through a joint management plan.

Authors: Elena Górriz Mifsud, Luis Olza, Eduardo Montero and Valentino M. Govigli.