EFITA | WCCA | CIGR 2015 Conference
Information Technology in Agriculture
Poznan, Poland, 29th June - 2nd July 2015

The EFITA 2015 conference on Information Technology in Agriculture was organised by the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA), the World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (WCCA), and the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). The conference focussed on the future use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the agri-food, bioresource, and biomass sectors. Research on such diverse subjects as decision support systems in agriculture, semantics, data exchange, and farming management systems was presented during this conference.

Don Willems (Wageningen UR/Food & Biobased Research) presented the “ask-Valerie.eu” search tool, which is being developed within the VALERIE project. “ask-Valerie.eu” is an online assistant expert that helps practitioners in agriculture or forestry to find innovative solutions to the problems they face in their everyday business. It uses a dialogue-metaphor as a model for the interaction between the user and the system. “ask-Valerie.eu” helps the user in formulating his question and in answering it in a useful way using expert knowledge from the agriculture and forestry domains. Download the presentation.

The current version of “ask-Valerie.eu” is a first step towards a fully functional and practical questioning and answering system that will make innovative scientific research available to end-users making early-adoption of these innovations feasible.